I love this sentence from lesson 15-20 “…accuracy in building words and sentences is the highest form of architecture in civilization and is a passport to success/”

It sounds so simple, think positive thoughts and you will have a positive life. This is knowledge but the KICKER is .. ..just knowing about this natural law and the IMMENSE POWER it holds is not enough for it to actually happen.  You must learn HOW to think only high healing positive thoughts.    Therein lies the difference!  Knowing HOW to do the HOWS … THAT is a whole new ball game and THAT is what this AMAZING course is all about.

The goal is to get to a place where  every thought you think and every word you say to yourself inside your head is in harmony with  every single word you utter when you speak out loud which will then reflect harmony and bliss in your outer world and your life. Makes me think of John Lennon’s song IMAGINE.

It made me really think about how powerful words are .  Up until now I just took  for granted that a word is a word is a word..nothing more.  15-23  says” The beauty of the word consists in the beauty of the thought; the power of the word consists in the power of the  thought and the power of the thought consists in its vitality”…

To me this means that a vital thought  has life, it grows, it illuminates it enhances, it is positive it uplifts, it is truth.  Do all my thoughts have vitality???  The answer is a resounding NO!

The EXCITING part  though is this week I  feel like I am finally recognizing that the goal is attainable ! I am already feeling changes inside and noticing changes in my outer world which is proof that I am making progress.  I am more and more conscious of choosing what thoughts I will entertain and which ones I will toss out.  I will be diligent in selecting thoughts of beauty and power and vitality. It is all baby steps but I am beginning to see that these baby steps TRULY are getting me there !  I AM learning how to do the hows and   the information BLOWS MY MIND! Yes, they are baby steps but IMAGINE if every child was taught these baby steps from birth!  Now THAT would be a GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND !

Learning to APPLY THE KNOWLEDGE  has me OVER THE MOON with GRATUTUDE for Mark and Davene and the entire team for holding a vision.

This quote really hit it home for me this week.” THINK TRULY, and thy thoughts shall the worlds famine feed; SPEAK TRULY, and each word of thine shall be a fruitful seed; LIVE TRULY, and thy life shall be a great and noble creed.”

A word is no longer just a word.

Peace be the journey everyone.

8 thoughts on “WEEK 15 “A GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND”

  1. Yes, this one hit a cord with me as well. WORDS are so very important and this has really made that clear. Your observations and the fact that I too am only making tiny baby steps forward BUT they are in the right direction and can see that this is HOW to get there.


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